
Our next OPEN MORNING will be on the morning of Wednesday 16th October 2024. To reserve your place for this event, please email -
In 2020, due to COVID-19 restrictions we held a virtual open morning.

Please see below for details of how you can catch up with this unique event -
360° LIVE Tour Video One (Replay) -
360° LIVE Tour Video Two (Replay) -
Headteacher Presentation -
In addition to the above, our Headteacher Mr Spracklen is happy to answer questions directly via email or over the phone any time as required. / 01305 257120
Admissions to The Prince of Wales School


The Governing Body is subject to Dorset Council’s arrangements for admissions to schools. Dorset Council determines admissions to the schools according to an agreed procedure that prioritises children with statements of Special Educational Need, children living in the designated catchment area, children who live outside the catchment area who have siblings at the school and finally children who live outside the catchment area with places allocated according to distance. The school has an admission number of 30 which means that this is the maximum number of children that can be admitted into the Reception Class in one year. 


If you are anticipating your child entering our school through the Resource Provision Base then this is a different procedure and our SENDCo can advise you as to this process in the time frame stated.


The Dorset Council Admissions Policies can be found on the below link -


Children Starting School for the First Time -

Full-time attendance is Monday to Friday 9.00a.m. to 3.30p.m. Parents will be expected to decide whether full time or part time attendance is most appropriate for their child. Children do not legally have to attend any educational setting until the term following their fifth birthday and parents must decide whether early education, in whatever setting, is right for their child. Parents can request that their child attends part-time initially until one of the following:

  • After the Autumn half term
  • After the Christmas holiday
  • The child reaches compulsory school age.

Part-time attendance at the Prince of Wales School will be Monday to Friday 12.15p.m. 

Government guidance suggests that part-time attendance will be the exception, not the norm.


Deferred Entry -

It is expected that most parents will choose the September admission date for their child. However, where an offer of a place is made to a child below compulsory school age, parents have the right to defer their child’s entry to school until later in the school year. Parents are advised to contact the appropriate school/s to discuss this. The place is held for that child and is not available to be offered to another child unless the parent confirms they no longer want the place or do not take up the place by the agreed/appropriate date, i.e. their fifth birthday or the end of the academic year.

Entry may not be deferred beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday or beyond the academic year for which admission is sought. For a child born in the summer term, if parents decide to postpone application until the term after the child’s fifth birthday, the child will start school in Year 1 on a full-time basis and must apply on a separate application half a term in advance of when the place is required.


In Year Applications -

All in year applications should be made through Dorset Admissions.

If you are interested in visiting the school we ask that you contact the school office to arrange a tour with a member of the Leadership Team. We are also happy to provide answers to any queries you may have by telephone or email.

Appeals Process
All school admissions are made by Dorset Council, the Local Authority. If the decision has been made by Dorset Admissions not to grant your child a place at The Prince of Wales School, you are able to raise an appeal by following the link below.
School Catchment Area
You can find an interactive map of Prince of Wales' catchment area on the Dorset Council website below.
Physical Disability Resource Base
The Prince of Wales School maintains a small number of places in our resource base for children who hold a current EHCP. For the full policy on admissions to our Resource Base please see the link to the policy below.
Pre-School Admissions
For our policy on admissions to our Pre-School please see the below link.