School Uniform


Your child will need -


Navy Blue skirts or trousers. 

Green polo shirts with or without logo (logo version available from DEP)

Green sweatshirts with or without logo (logo version available from DEP)


All school uniform can be ordered using the following URL - 


PLEASE NOTE - Items of the correct colour can be purchased from any retailer (not just DEP).


Please see the school office for more information. 


PE Kit


You will need -


Navy shorts

Green t-shirts with or without logo (logo version available from DEP)



The P. E. kit remains in school and is returned for washing each half term.


Families, please label all your children’s clothes. It is amazing how easy it is for young children to mysteriously lose socks and vests never to be seen again! 


We sometimes have terrible mix ups between the same size and ½ size shoes. Please label them and check through the year that labels remain. Thank you.