Statutory Information

School Contact Details -
School Opening Hours -
Compulsory timings - 09:00-15:30 = 32.5 hours per week / 1235 hours per year.
In addition to the above, all classes are open from 08:45-09:00 for a phased entry at the start of each school day (additional 1.25 hours per week / 47.5 hours per year).
Daily on-site breakfast-club (08:00-09:00) and after-school (15:30-17:00) is also available as well as a range of extra-curricular activities. Please click here for more information. 
Policy Documents -
Please note, our policy for pupil exclusion is included in the above 'Behaviour, Discipline and Ethos Policy'.
Please email for further information.
Mrs C March

Mrs C March

Complaints Officer
Our SEND Information Report includes details of our arrangements for handling complaints from parents and carers about the support we provide for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). 
Financial Information -
The School Information (England) Regulations 2020 require maintained schools to publish on their website the number of school employees (if any) whose gross annual salary is £100,000 or more in £10,000 bands. 
Please note that The Prince of Wales School has 0 members of staff whose gross annual salary is £100,000 or more.
For Financial Benchmarking information about The Prince of Wales School, please see -
Please note a copy of the school's financial accounts are available on request.
Admissions -
Performance Tables -
Curriculum -
PLEASE NOTE - Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the Religious Education in accordance with Schedule 19 to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. For more information, please click here.
N.B - CLICK HERE to read our latest 'Music Development Plan'
Pupil Premium -
PE and Sport Premium -
Ofsted Reports -